发布于 2024-11-05 / 4 阅读



之前看到过的一个视频,关于对人生的看法,后悔的事情,对年轻人的建议 闲来无事做个笔记整理下,精华部分可以从5分钟之后看

80 Year Olds Share Their BIGGEST Mistakes - YouTube

Q: could you give one piece of advice to someone younger than you what would you say?

A: don't worry so much about things I'm worried about everything when I was young, after a while you just think what's the point just do it

A: I'm still standing life is sweet we are slowly losing our memory and I realize that and this worries me physically I feel younger but mentally I feel older what is something that when we're younger we tend to prioritize but as we get older we realize isn't that important time it just seems to me young people are always in such a hurry such a hurry I understand it the world is out there to be taken you know

so what matters then you know at the end of the day is community the ability to connect to people and do something that's meaningful to you that maybe is productive for the world but maybe not stuff the older you get the more you go yes you're going why do I have all this stuff competitiveness you really don't have to beat everybody at all costs so who do you have to be yourself is there something that we tend to prioritize a lot when we're younger but as we get older we realize isn't actually that important yes so worrying about women can you elaborate on that yes




Q: what is the biggest mistake that you've made that you regret ?

A: I think mid to late 20s before one gets too permanent with anybody because you're still changing that's my biggest regret

Q: I think if you could give one piece of advice to someone younger than you what would you say

A: keep active don't smoke don't drink and have fun you know enjoy enjoy yourself don't be a follower be an independent mind have your own judgment about things otherwise you're going to become a robot we used to

